Frederic Lyenn Jacques: double bass, bouzouki, guitar, voice, synths,
poetry, composition
Ann Eysermans: double bass, harp, voice, synths, poetry, composition
r.naakt.i combines its own poems with its own compositions, miniatures, graphic scores and improvisations. Both complex structures and sober sound expressions move over words that gradually fade away, or reverberate loudly. Small lights soften dark sounds, or vice versa. The fundamentals of the double basses are in marked contrast to the heavenly music box sounds that ring hopelessly and imperturbably. A unison voice is carried by harmonic overtones and creates an explicit mood, which submits itself eloquently to a variety of written-down ulterior motives. A special world is created that ultimately exists only in itself.
Frans Van Isacker: clarinet and bass
Ann Eysermans: double bass
Nicolas Chkifi: drums and percussions
The trio takes you along through a spectrum of sounds - sounds that come together and find their own way again. Free and bound to each other in improvisations where there are no restrictions. The best of all possible worlds.
Ann Eysermans: harp & Frans Van Isacker: clarinet and alto saxophone
Improvisations. Compositions. Graphic scores. Music boxes.
A small history in which free sounds and consonances are collected, tells itself over and over again, differently. Heraclitus said: "The contradictory agrees, from differences arises the most beautiful harmony, everything arises from discord." (Fragment B8) Something like that.
Nico Chkifi: drums, percussion and compositions
Ananta Roosens: violin
Christian Mendoza: piano
Ann Eysermans: harp
Fnussjen's music is a succession of miniature compositions interconnected by adventurous improvisations. With its original instrumentation and orchestration, Fnussjen presents an intriguingly coherent whole with a meditative character. Fnussjen is a group - which drummer Nico Chkifi put together in 2017 - for which he created several compositions.
r.naakt.i: Sébastien Forthomme
Fenna and Fnussjen: Clara Datso
Duo: Ann Eysermans